Release to Begin Lighting Up Today

Release to Begin Lighting Up

Do you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders?  Often, we are so focused on accomplishing tasks we don’t realize the amount of stress that gets built up.  Take a breath, and start letting go.  Sometimes these burdens include regret, shame, guilt, unresolved feelings, and even clutter in your house.  You might have notice feeling exhausted, frustrated, depressed, anxious, or even physically ill.

Now is the time to think about what you are unnecessarily holding onto.  Consider how other people in your life are enduring a piece of your burden as well.  When you are navigating heaviness in your life like anxiety, pain, addiction, depression and fear it impacts your job, relationships, health and spirit.  As you begin to release, there will be a lightness in your life that will be palpable to people around you.  This will vastly improve everyone’s quality of life.

Start with your home

When you can organize your home, you can help organize your mindset.  Purge your house of duplicates, damaged or ill-fitting items, or items that no longer serve a purpose.  Box up the sentimental items and give away the rest.  Enjoy the feeling of space you have just created in your living space.

Accept your flaws

Maybe you have recently gained weight, or you are struggling with your aging process.  Life happens, but that is no reason to speak ill of yourself.  Look in the mirror and sincerely smile.  Allow yourself to look pass the “flaws” and focus on your positive physical attributes.  When you can celebrate your essence, you will begin to feel lighter within yourself.

Release toxic emotions and past hurts

Why carry around emotional baggage?  What is its true purpose in your life?  If you feel there is a lesson there, work to learn it and then let the feelings go.  You can create a ceremony like writing things down or putting photos in a bowl and then burning them to tangibly see them leaving your life.  Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself.  Even the act of forgiving someone else is really a gift for you.  Let the toxic emotions leave so more blessings can enter your life.

Fear is not an option

The fact that life is uncertain is the only real certainty in life.  Focus on living in the present.  This will help ground you and better equip you to navigate tomorrow’s challenges with grace.

Accept not everything will get done (immediately)

You only get 24 hours in the day and a vast chunk of that is spent sleeping.  Therefore, you won’t be able to get to everything on your to-do list.  Prioritize what you need or want to tackle first.  In time, everything the needs to get done will get done.  Plus, you will be able to enjoy life more by having a more balanced mindset.

Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good enough

When you focus on perfection you inadvertently place shackles on your life.  When you become okay with good enough, you create space for exploration in your work, wellbeing, adventures and relationships.  It’s ok to have an unexpected stain on your shirt.  You can have disagreements with loved ones and still enjoy each other’s company.  Everyone needs a lazy day now and again.  Let your life be a work in progress and notice the freedom you feel in your spirit.

Stop having to be “the winner” or “right”

Love doesn’t keep score.  Release the need to the be in the right or a winner.  Instead focus on what brings you joy.  Freely give affection to those you care about.  Relish in the feeling the sensations brings and how your mood improves.

When working on releases aspects, start with a single thing.  Consider how long you’ve held onto this pain and be patient with the time and effort it might take for you to let it go.  No one clings to heaviness to cause suffering, but when it is purged from your life you feel happy and freer.  When you notice you are overwhelmed, exhausted and stress, the answer to your problems usually is to lessen your burden.  By getting rid of things that no loner serve you, you create space in your life for new opportunities and blessings to blossom.