What to Expect in a Reiki Session


Reiki is an alternative energy that helps people to heal and reach their highest spiritual self. It is a way that people can get their mind, body, and soul in a place of healing and peace. Reiki is considered to be energy that is both kind and gentle, but it is also powerful for everyone that wants something better.

When you think of energy, there are things that you can guarantee such as energy being something that gives life and movement to all things that are living.

Terms Used with Energy

When we think of energy, there are different terms that we can use to describe it such as:

  • Life force.
  • Prana.
  • Chi.
  • Ki.
  • Flow.

What Happens When Energies are Blocked?

Energy can be blocked, and it can cause your mind, body, and soul to experience unnecessary and uncomfortable situations. It can make you feel ill or make you feel that you are tired and not able to complete things in life that you are used to doing.

Your Ki, or your energy should be flowing through your body without interruption and if your energy is blocked and not flowing correctly then it can cause problems but if it is flowing strongly and opened, it can make you to feel healthy and strong.

Reiki Sessions

There are different kinds of places that you can get a reiki session but there are things that you can expect at any session. You will wear your clothing and you can sit or even lay on a massage table, depending on what makes you comfortable.

The reiki instructor will either do the session from a distance or they will lightly lay their hands on you. Sometimes, if you are not able to go in for a session, the instructor can do a remote session and you will not even be in the same room, but you will still get the energy healing you need.

Most people that go into a reiki session leave feeling happy, peaceful, revived, calm and will even feel warm and cozy in their body.

Why Choose Reiki?

There are different benefits that reiki can bring into your life. Not only can this help you to feel better, but it can also be used with other medical treatments and sessions to help you to recover faster.

Here are some things that reiki can do for you:

  • Help you to feel strong in your mental health.
  • Increase focus.
  • Make things in your life clearer.
  • Open up your emotions and help you to process them.
  • Leave you feeling balanced and strong.
  • Helping you to be centered.
  • Increase your energy.
  • Help to heal digestion and help you to sleep better.
  • Increase the functions of your immune system.
  • Allows you to feel calm, relaxed, and overall healed.

If you feel that you are lacking in energy or that your energy is blocked, try to get into a reiki session and let it improve your life dramatically.