How to Boost Your Emotional Resilience

Boost Your Emotional Resilience

Being strong in your emotions can help you to adapt to negative situations in your life. It can help you to face challenges and to not worry about how you will be able to cope with things in your life.

Having a pandemic such as Covid has taught many people to face things in their life that were hard.

Emotional intelligence can help you to deal with your emotions and help you learn to deal with hard things.

Focus on Things Now

Take time to focus on the moment. Live in the now and stop living in the past. Your brain will always try to make you feel bad for your past, but this is just mind chatter.

You have to learn to be positive and to practice living your life now and not in the past.

Focusing on the moment means that you are still making plans for your future but that you are able to look at your past and forgive yourself for the things you have done and move on.

Stop spending time focusing on all of the things that you have gotten wrong and learn to deal with problems as they come.

Here are some things you can do:

  • Notice how you feel when things happen to you.
  • Focus on your emotions now.
  • Do you feel safe?

Once you calm down, think about what you can do to make your situation better.

Think about what is going on in your life and what is against you. Realize that you can deal with this and that you can be comforted that things will be okay.


Learn to adapt in your life and learn to be strong. Make sure that you are able to handle problems and change as you need to with the situation.

Be strong in yourself and as things happen, learn to face your storms. You can do this without damage.

Learn to stand strong and to stay calm. Even when hard things happen in your life, stop resisting it and face it head on.

Things will happen to you and you have to face your emotions and learn to be mindful on how you are acting.

Judge things kindly and do not let yourself become judgmental. Do not let your strength make you stubborn but learn to be flexible and let change come.

If you are afraid of letting change come, plan things out and let yourself have some slack. Think about things that have been hard in your life and how you moved past them.

Look at the strengths that you have and the skills that you acquired over time. If you could go back a few years ago, what would you tell yourself?

Even though you have changed, can you deal with the same things again? Notice how far you have come.

Develop Your Emotions

Allow your emotions to develop and become resilient. Learn to stop being so aggravated at yourself and your feelings. Learn to be rational but if you mess up, be kind to yourself.

When you have a feeling, recognize it, and see why. Be compassionate and kind with yourself. If you have fear, face it and allow yourself to focus on your feeling until it is gone.

Even if you are too afraid to move on, take a chance to let yourself decide to run or to face it. Understand that we all have responses to fear and that we all have reactions.

Learn to manage your emotions and to deal with your feelings. If you feel bad, you might be angry or upset but you have to realize where these emotions came from and why.

Write down things that trigger you and what makes you feel a certain way.

Being strong in your emotions can leave you feeling stronger and stop you from feeling bad. It can help you to be wiser and when you are strong in your emotions, you can move on in life.

Try to get rid of negative thinking and allow your emotions to make you strong. Think of good things in your life.

When you can learn to recognize your feelings, you will see that you can see things in a different light and from a different perspective.


You might have to detach from people sometimes. This can be because they are not kind to you, or they are not making your life better.

You might feel uncomfortable with someone and when you do, learn to know why you feel this way.

If you fail in life, think about how you could have done things different and focus on bettering yourself.

Society shows you things that we need such as luck and fortune, but you do not need those things to be happy. Learn to live your life from one point to the other.

Spend time making it to the top. Do not pretend that everything is easy but look at things from a different view and see that your life is better than you think it is.

If you get attached to something, learn to let it go so that you aren’t disappointed about things. If you attach to an idea, make sure that you are reaching your goals and dreams in a good way.

Think about how you want to get to different places in your life and remind yourself that life can be hard and trying. Allow yourself to go through bad things but to do your best to be the best that you can be.

Once you reach where you want to go, destroy your negative thinking, and celebrate where you have come.

Remind yourself that you have a good life and that you are creative. Learn to write or draw. Be proud of the good things you do.

Take interest in your emotions and let your ego not be in charge of you. If you are creative, use it.

Practice letting go of things that no longer benefit your life. Boost your emotions and allow yourself to trust who you are and what you do.

Handle life as it comes to you with the best ways that you can think of. Live happy and have peace.